Extra Credit


  • Each extra credit option is worth a specific number of points toward your final quarterly grade.
  • All extra credit assignments are due no later than the Friday before the end of the marking period. **See me for specific dates**
  • You may turn in extra credit early anytime during the semester, however NO extra credit will be accepted late. No if, ands, or buts about it.
  • You may earn a maximum of 50 points extra credit per semester.
  • All extra credit will be added to the grade book at the end of the semester.

Extra Credit Options:

  • 25 pts—Science in the News: Find a science news topic that relates to the unit we are studying. Describe the: Who? What? Where? When? Why and How? of the article/television show, important vocabulary terms and your opinion of the topic. Please see me to get the handout to follow for maximum points.
  • 25pts—Design a Science game: Design a game you would like to play in class to help students learn or review key concepts or vocab in the course. The format can be based on an existing game (e.g., Monopoly, or Jepordy) orcreate your own. Create actual questions, answers, rules for the game and any other materials needed. The game should theoretically take anywhere from 10-30 minutes to play. Please see me for the Science Game Rubric.
  • 40pts—Visit a Science Museum, Aquarium or Zoo: Go visit a science museum, aquarium or zoo. Pick one of the exhibits inside the museum and write a detailed summary about the exhibit and the science that you learned. The review should be at least 2 pages long double spaced. Submit a ticket stub or brochure from the museum with your report when you hand it in.